Chrysanthemum and Carnation bouquet is simple yet elegant to gift.
Bunch together Chrysanthemums and Carnations and wrap in a paper of your choice and tie a colorful ribbon. Spray colored water on the flowers and let it dry for an hour.
Chrysanthemum and Carnation bouquet
Chrysanthemum and Carnation bouquet is simple yet elegant to gift.
Bunch together Chrysanthemums and Carnations and wrap in a paper of your choice and tie a colorful ribbon. Spray colored water on the flowers and let it dry for an hour.
Tropical summers are hot and humid and with that comes the abundance of colorful flowers…
2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon, beginning on February 10th, 2024 (Chinese New…
It was delight to watch the Disney movie "Maui". Here is an arrangement where Maui…
Flowers play a very important role in Indian festivals. Internationally too, flower gardens are the…
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Doctors advice that we need to include different color fruits and vegetables in our diet. …
Yellow and white Gerberas together are a joy to look at and here is just…
Carnations with palm leaves gives a contrasting look in a white shallow container.
Carnations in a arrangement looks charming and elegant.
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Roses are always great for arrangements. I have used Baby pink Roses with Cypress. Simple,…
Pedestal flower arrangements look extremely elegant in large party halls.
This arrangement takes few minutes. I got this bunch of freshly cut Lilies off the…
Flowers play a very important role in Indian festivals. Internationally too, flower gardens are the…
During festivals and pooja, friends and family are given the prasada (blessed food) like Kosambari,…
Early monsoon season in South India is June – July – August. During this season,…
Red Carnations combined with palm leaves and bulrushes is sure to enhance a romantic evening.
The head rings played a very important role in the earlier days to carry loads…
During festivals and family occasions, guests are served a sumptuous meal on a Banana leaf…