Embroidered Greeting Card

Embroidered Greeting CardEmbroidered Greeting Card

Embroidered Greeting Card

Embroidered Greeting Card is a very creative and easy art form.  Children can spend hours making different designs and it would be a pleasure for them to give it to their loved ones.

Materials required:
10 inch by 7 inch Thick paper (K.G.Cardboard)
Embroidery silk threads
Design of your choice


Fold the paper to get 5 inch by 7 inch size greeting card.

Draw a border with a thick pen.

Inside it trace the design of your choice.

Select thread color appropriate to the design.

Needle the thread. Stitch parallel lines using the needle thread to completely fill the design. Stitch a thin outline using a contrast color thread.

For leaves, thin branches, facial parts, stitch outlines only to balance the design.

Write note inside the card. Put it in an envelop and voila a handmade beautiful card is ready.

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