21 Pushpa Pooja to Lord Ganesha

Pushpa PoojaPushpa Pooja

Pushpa Pooja

21 types of Patra (leaves), 21 types of Pushpa (flowers), and 21 Kadabu or Modaka (sweets) are offered to Lord Ganesha during Ganesha Chathurthi and Sankashta Chaturthi. There are 21 mantra chanted while offering each of the flowers with the Sanskrit name of the flower.

Out of the many lists of 21 pushpa pooja that I could get access to, I have consolidated all of them to one single list. Many of the flowers are extremely rare and some which are available might be in bloom at a height not reachable for us to pluck. Most of the flowers are easily available in the market and some grow as weed.

Keeping in mind all these factors, I have listed all the flowers that can be used during 21 pushpa pooja to Lord Ganesha. You can get the available 21 flowers and using any of the 21 Ganesha names from 108 Ganapathi Ashtothra, you can do the pooja using the flowers.

21 Pushpa Pooja to Lord Ganesha is also known as Ekavimshathi Pushpa Pooja.

Links lead you to a complete description about the trees and plant that the flowers belong to.

Sl. No.
Name of the flower
Mantra to recite
1 Jaji Pushpam Om Vinayakaya Namaha – Jaji Pushpam Samarpayami 
2 Padma Pushpam (Pink Lotus) Om Vigna Rajaya Namaha – Padma (Shatha Patra) Pushpam Samarpayami
3 Schwet Karnika Pushpam (White Lotus)
Om Gowri Putraya Namaha – Schwet Karnika Pushpam Samarpayami
4 Champaka Pushpam (Sampige) Om Ganeshwaraya Namaha – Champaka Pushpam Samarpayami
5 Kalhara Pushpam (Kumuda, Pink or white Lily)
Om Skandagrajaya Namaha – Kalhara Pushpam samarpayami
6 Kshirika Pushpam (Nandibattalu) Pushpam Om Avyaya Namaha – Kshirika Pushpam Samarpayami
7 Paarijatha Pushpam (Har Singar) Om Poothaya Namaha – Paarijatha Pushpam Samarpayami
8 Mallika Pushpam (Dundu mallige) Om Dakshadhyakshaya Namaha Mallika Pushpam Samarpayami
9 Ketaki Pushpam (Kewda) Om Dwija Priyaya Namaha Ketaki Pushpam Samarpayami
10 Drona Pushpam (Thumbe) Om Agni Garvachchide Namaha Drona Pushpam Samarpayami
11 Datura Pushpam Om Indra Sripradaya Namaha Datura Pushpam Samarpayami
12 Shamyaaka Pushpam (Mayil Konrai, Peacock flower) Om Vaani Balapradaaya Namaha Shamyaaka Pushpam Samarpayami
13 Japa Pushpam (Hibiscus) Om Sarwasidhdhipradaayakaya Namaha Japa Pushpam Samarpayami 
14 Sugandharaja Pushpam Om Sharvathanayaaya Namaha Sugandharaja Pushpam Samarpayami
15 Kurantaka Pushapam (Sphatika flower) Om Gowri Thanujaaya Namaha Kurantaka Pushapam Samarpayami
16 Sevanthika Pushpam (Yodhika, Soughandika, Chrysanthemum) Om Sharva Priyaaya Namaha Sevanthika Pushpam Samarpayami
17 Malathi Pushpam (Malati Latha or Sooji Mallige or Sanna Marle) Om Sarvaathmakaaya Namaha Malathi Pushpam Samarpayami
18 Giri Karnika Pushpam (Shanka Pushpa) Om Srushtikarthe Namaha Giri Karnika Pushpam Samarpayami 
19 Karaveera Pushpam (Kanagale, Oleander) Om Devaaneekarchithaya Namaha Karaveera Pushpam Samarpayami 
20 Dandibhii Pushpam (Pomegranate flower) Om Shivaaya Namaha Dandibhii Pushpam Samarpayami
21 Arka Pushpam (Yekka) Om Shudhaaya Namaha Arka Pushpam Samarpayami

Following flowers are difficult to procure, but there might be instances of getting one of the below and not one of the above:

Sl. No.
Name of the leaf
Mantra to recite
1 Mandara Pushpam (Basavana Paada / bauhinia variegate)
Om Buddhipradaaya Namaha Mandara Pushpam Samarpayami
2 Kadamba Pushpam (Neolamarckia cadamba) Om Dwaimathuraaya Namaha Kadamba Pushpam Samarpayami  
3 Madhavi Pushpam (Kurukkathi – Hiptage benghalensis)
Om Munisthuthyaaya Namaha Madhavi Pushpam Samarpayami  
4 Sthala Padma Pushpam (Betta thavare) Om Brahmachaarine Namaha Sthala Padma Pushpam Samarpayami  
5 Naaga Kesarah Pushpam (Naga Sampige)
Om Gajaananaaya Namaha Naaga Kesarah Pushpam Samarpayami 
6 Utpala (Blue lily) Pushpam Om Bhakti Vigna Vinaashanaaya Namaha Utpala Pushpam Samarpayami
7 Paatala Pushpam (Yellow Snake Tree) Om Ekadanthaya Namaha Paatala Pushpam samarpayami  
8 Agase Pushpam Om Chaturbhahave Namaha Agase Pushpam Samarpayami  
9 Bakula Pushpam Om Shaktiyuthaya Namaha Bakula Pushpam samarpayami  
19 Punnaga Pushpam Om Vigneshwaraya namaha, Punnaga pushpam samarpayami.

Om Sarvasidhi Pradaayakaaya Namaha, Nanavidha Parimala Pushpaani Samarpayami

For festival food recipes click here.

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108 Ganapathi Ashtothra Shathanaamavali

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