Nariyal Poornima

The fisherman of Daman and Kolis of Coastal Maharashtra look forward to celebrate Nariyal Poornima festival as it signifies retreating monsoon and the commencement of their fishing activity. Nariyal Poornima is observed on Shravan Purnima, the Full moon day in Sawan month. The festival falls on the same day as Raksha Bandhan.  For the festival date click here.

On this day the fisherman decorate their boats and trawlers by painting and tying colorful flags. Small oil lamps are lit in the boat.

Nariyal means coconut, and on this day, after worshiping the sea at the beach, coconuts are broken and offered to sea god thanking him and praying for a safe and prosperous fishing business in the coming months. Some of the coconut kernels are distributed as Prasad / blessed food. In the evening the fishermen feast, dance and party. They also have a bonfire.

On this day Coconut rice is prepared and relished by all.

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