Siriyala Shashti

Lord ShivaLord Shiva

Lord Shiva

Shiva Shiva endare bhayavilla
Shiva namake sathi berilla (2)

The above lyrics is a famous song from the movie Bhaktha Siriyala starring Lokesh, Aarathi, and Ashwath.  The meaning of the above song is – when you take the name of Shiva, you are not scared anymore and there is no parallel to Shiva’s name.

Siriyala Shashti festival is in honor of one of the greatest devotees of Lord Shiva, Bhaktha Siriyala. Siriyala is the epitome of Bhakti / devotion and Thyaga / sacrifice.

Siriyala Shashti festival falls in the Hindu month of Shravana, July-August in Gregorian calendar. For the festival date click here.

Lord Shiva wanted to test Siriyala and hence took the form of a beggar and went to Siriyala’s house. The beggar asked for offerings to Siriyala and when he was given everything he asked for, the beggar asked for the life of Siriyala’s son. Without hesitation, the couple killed their son and offered to the beggar. Lord Shiva was immensely pleased and appeared before them in his form and brought back the life of their son.

Siriyala Shashti is celebrated in families who have been following this custom since generations. The mother of a male child performs the pooja and Lord Shiva is worshiped. The male children of the household are made to sit on hase mane / wooden planks and an aarathi is perfomed.

On this day 5 types of rice are prepared – Plain Anna, Chitranna, Bellada Anna, Tuppada Anna and Mosaranna. Soppina Palya / Leafy vegetable dish, Payasa, and Thambittu is also prepared on this day. Other mothers of male children from the neighbourhood are invited home for lunch. They are given the Mangala drowya / sacred items and served lunch. While leaving the women call out the name of the son/s and they come out and do Namaskara to the women.


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