


Dahlia belongs to Asteraceae family. It is a perennial plant native to Mexico. It is the national flower of Mexico. Now it is grown all over the world for the colorful flowers.

There are 42 species of Dahlia and most of them are grown as garden plants.  The plant grows from a tuber and can reach 6 to 8 feet in height.

The stem is hollow and the leaves are green.

There are 42 species of Dahlia and most of them are grown as garden plants.

Flowers can be one head per stem or a bunch of flowers.

The diameter of flowers can range from 2 inches to 1 foot and also from single layer of petals to multiple layers.

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Flowers bloom in all hues except for blue.

Bees and small beetles pollinate the flowers.

The Aztecs used the tuber as food and to treat epilepsy. The tubers are still used to flavor beverages in Central America. Before the discovery of insulin, a derivative from Dahlia tubers was used to treat Diabetes.

Propagation is from tubers, root, or stump. In India March-April months are suitable for Dahlia plantation. Plant them in in a combination of sand and soil under full sunlight and water every day.

Ensure that you spray an organic pesticide once a month. Apply manure once a month. Blooming starts from June to August. Prune the plants to produce more flowers.

The roots can be preserved in soil after the season so that it can be transplanted in the next season.

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