
Petunias are attractive tubular flowers that bloom in innumerable shades belongs to family Solanaceae.  It is native of South America and was discovered by James Tweedie.

There are many species of Petunia like Grandiflora, Hedgiflora (spreading), Multiflora, Milliflora, and so on.  Grandiflora is the most popular species.  Plants quickly grow to a height of 10-16 inches.  They bloom in summer.

Petunia Grandiflora flowers are large about 3 to 4 inches across.  They are single or double.

Some of them grow in a cascading fashion and hence are more suitable for hanging baskets. Wavy. Petunia is a favorite of gardeners for beds and pots they are available in a wide range of colors including stripes and speckles.  They have a lovely fragrance and are easy to grow.

The stem and leaves are sticky.

Propagation of Petunia is by seeds.  The seeds germinate within 5 to 15 days and are sown on the surface of the soil as they need light to germinate.  Lightly mist water over them.  They germinate quicker in a warm atmosphere.

Plant the Petunias under direct sun in moist and well-drained soil.  Feed liquid fertilizer once a month.  Remove dead petals and keep pruning the branches for dense growth.




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