
Plant Summary:
Phlox are one of the most preferred flowers to plant in pots and beds. The botanical name is Phlox paniculata and belongs to the family Polemoniaceae. They are also known as Garden Phlox, Tall phlox, and Summer phlox.

These annuals bloom in vivid colors like blue, violet, red, pink, purple, orange, white, and also in bicolor. There are 67 species of Phlox and some of them are fragrant.

The plant grows to a height of 3 to 4 feet. They bloom in clusters and each flower has 5 petals. Lance-like leaves are oppositely arranged on the stem. Phlox in flower arrangements are preferred because of their long life.  The fruit is a capsule with seeds in them.

Phlox are grown by seeds. Replant the plants when they reach a height of 5 to 8 inches. Plant them in fertile, well-drained soils, and in full sun. Water the plants daily.

Prune the plants when they reach a height of 12 inches for a bushy growth. Give support for the plants to grow straight.

A spray of organic pesticide after a month will keep few pests away.

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