Resurrection Lily

Resurrection LilyResurrection Lily

Resurrection Lily

Common names of Resurrection Lily are Peacock Plant and Peacock Ginger.  Botanical name is Kaempferia pulchra and belong to Zingiberaceae (ginger) family.   The broad flat deep bronze foliage has patterns on them, which makes them popular garden plants.  The flowers are mauve-violet with a white spot in the center.

Foliage is not seen in winter and the first showers will bring back life to the plant.  Hence the name of the plant is Resurrection Lily.  The leaves are 18 to 24 inches long and can be 12 inches wide.

Resurrection Lily is very easy to grow.  Plant the rhizomes about half inch below the soil surface.  Ensure that you plant in full or partial shade and well-drained soil.  Water the plant regularly during the growing season.




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