Salvia Splendens – Scarlet Sage – Red Salvia

Scarlet SageScarlet Sage

Scarlet Sage

Salvia Splendens is the botanical name and belongs to Lamiaceae family. Salvia Splendens is extremely popular in gardens and is planted in beds, borders, and containers. A native of Brazil, Salvia Splendens is grown as an annual in temperate climate.

Plant Summary:
The plant grows upright to a height of 4 feet. The leaves are green and heart shaped about 3 to 7 cms long and 2 to 4 cms wide with a toothed margin and a tapering tip. The flowers bloom on erect terminal bracts in various colors like scarlet, purple, orange, lavender, and yellow. Bicolor varieties are also available. The sepal is bell-shaped and about 1.6 cm, flower tubes come out of the sepal are 4 cm and velvety. Lower lip is shorter than the upper lip.

The flowers attract Hummingbirds and Butterflies.

Scarlet Sage is grown by seeds in evenly moist, well-drained soils. Sow the seeds on the surface and place the container in a sunny place. Water the plants daily. Fertilize once a fortnight. When the plants are 8 inches pinch the tips to encourage a bushy growth.
Aphids’ attacks can be controlled by spraying an insecticide.

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