Italian Jasmine – Yellow Jasmine – Haladi Mallige

Italian JasmineItalian Jasmine

Italian Jasmine

Other common name of Yellow Jasmine is Italian Jasmine. In Hindi it is Peeli Chameli and in Nepali it is known as Masino Jaai. The botanical name is Chrysojasminum humile and belongs to Oleaceae (Jasmine) family.
This plant looks like the Pink Jasmine or Jaji (Kannada) plant. It grows straight to 2 to 3 meters. This is found in abundance in the Himalayan region. Now, this is grown in South India too.

The branches are dark green. The leaves are green pinnate with 3-7 ovate and thick leaflets. Flowers are Yellow and has a slender tube. They are 1 to 2 cm long with 5 petals.

The fruit is black and around 8mm in size filled with crimson juice.

The Yellow Jasmine flowers has natural curing properties and are used to treat various ailments.





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