Morning Glory

Morning GloryMorning Glory

Morning Glory

Morning Glory is a flowering creeper plant found in the wild and also grown as a garden plant. There are 1000 species and belong to many genera. It belongs to Convolvulaceae family.

As the name suggests, the flowers bloom in the morning and as the sun rises high the flowers fade and curl. In Kannada it is known as Gowri beeja, Kolli beeja and in Sanskrit it is known as Kalanjani, Krishnabijah.

They are fast growing plants and bloom profusely in good conditions. The leaves are green and heart shaped. Flowers are funnel-shaped and bloom in Red, Pink, Blue, Purple, Violet, White, and Red colors. Seeds are black, ovoid-trigonous.

Morning Glory is very easy to grow from seeds. You can grow them in beds, pots, or hanging pots. Provide support when they are about 6 inches tall in beds and pots. They can spill over in a hanging pot.

Keep the soil moist.

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