Purple Wreath

Purple WreathPurple Wreath

Purple Wreath

Other common names are Queen’s Wreath, Sandpaper Vine. In Hindi, it is called as Nilmani lata, in Tamil as Kudirai valuppu, and in Bengali as Nilmanilata. Botanical name is Petrea volubilis and belongs to Verbenaceae (Verbena) family. Lord Petre was an exotic plants collector in the 18th century.

The plant is native of Central America and is now grown all over the world. This beautiful creeper is a popular garden plant and is grown over a gate entrance, along fences, or in large pots.

Purple Wreath plant is a shrub climber with long drooping branches. The bark is grey and the plant can reach a height of 40 feet. Each of these drooping branches are covered with bunches of small purple flowers. The flower bunches can be 1-foot long. Each of the flower has five petals and one of the petal has a white streak in the middle. The leaves are green and rough like sandpaper.

Purple Wreath plant is propagated by cuttings. Plant in full sun. You can constantly prune to contain the height of the plant. The plant is tough and can tolerate harsh weather. Provide support for the plant to grow taller.

Water frequently and remove the suckers to form new plants. It takes two or three years for the plant to bloom.

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