Shanka Pushpa

Shanka PushpaShanka Pushpa

Shanka Pushpa

As we traverse on the country roads, we have come across the pretty Shanka Pushpa making its presence felt among the other wild plants. The botanical name is Clitoria ternatea and is also known as Aparajita in Hindi, Karnika in Sanskrit, Butterfly Pea, Blue Pea, and Asian Pigeon Wings. It belongs to Fabaceae family.

This plant is native to South India and South East Asia, now it grows in Africa, Australia and America. Shanka Pushpa blooms on a perennial creeper.

The pretty creeper with light green leaves can reach up to 9 feet and is grown as an ornamental plant in most of the Indian homes. The flowers are indigo blue with white center or white with off-white center and are about 4 cm long and 3 cm wide. Seeds are enclosed in flat pods of about 5 to 7 cm long.

During 21 pushpa pooja to Ganesha, Shanka Pushpa is offered to Lord Ganesha while reciting the following mantra: “Om Srushtikarthe Namaha, Karnika Pushpam Samarpayami”.

Known to enhance memory, Shanka Pushpa is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat memory loss,  stress, and depression.

Shanka Pushpa plant is propagated by seeds and can be grown in pots very easily. Provide a support for the creeper to climb.

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