Angel’s Trumpet

Angel's TrumpetAngel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet

Brugmansia is the botanical name and belongs to Solanaceae family. Datura is a close relative of this plant. Angel’s Trumpet is native of South America.

Angel’s Trumpet is popular as an ornamental plant in gardens around the world and grows wild in many places. These perennial large shrubs are semi-woody with many branches. They grow to a height of 15 to 35 feet. Hair covered leaves are green, large around 12 inches long and 7 inches wide.

The flowers are large, trumpet-shaped flowers around 20 inches long and 14 inches wide at the opening. Flowers bloom profusely and hang down the branches in bunches. White, Peach, Orange, Red are some of the colors of this flower. There are also double and variegated flowers.

Moths and Humming birds pollinate these flowers.

There are currently 7 species of this plant, and they are:

  • Brugmansia arborea
  • Brugmansia aurea Lagerh
  • Brugmansia insignis
  • Brugmansia sanguinea
  • Brugmansia suaveolens
  • Brugmansia versicolor Lagerh
  • Brugmansia vulcanicola

All parts of the plant are poisonous. Some parts of the plant are used in native medicines to be used for external aches and pains like arthritis, dermatitis, and headache.

Angel’s Trumpet can be easily grown in sunny or partly shade, moist, fertile, and well-drained soil.

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