Beach Morning Glory

Beach Morning GloryBeach Morning Glory

Beach Morning Glory

Along with Sand, Sea, and Sun the flower carpet offers an unforgettable landscape. The flower carpet is that of Beach morning glory also known as Railroad vine, Bay hops, Goat’s foot vine. Botanical name is Ipomoea pes-caprae and belongs to Convolvulaceae (Morning glory) family. In Hindi it is known as Do Patti Lata and in Kannada it is known as Bangadivalli.

Beach Morning Glory is an evergreen perennial creeper that grows on the beaches around the globe enduring the salt water. They can spread 100 feet on the beach from the root.

The leaves are green, fleshy, thick, and two-lobed. They are about 4 inches long.

Flowers are big, pink to lavender purple and bloom around the year. They are 2 inches long.

The seeds are dispersed by sea. The plant grows very fast and survives in tough weather.

All parts of Beach Morning Glory is used in traditional medicine to treat sting ray and stone fish stings, inflammation, gastric disorders, rheumatism, colic, edema, and piles.

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