

Addition of a Cosmos bed in a garden is sure to make the garden more cheerful. Cosmos is a perennial plant and belongs to Asteraceae (Sunflower) family. Cosmos in Greek means beautiful. Native to North America and South America it grows in the wild. There are many hybrids and cultivars available.

The plant grows to a height of 7 feet. The leaves are pretty, green, simple, pinnate, and opposite. Leaf stalks are 1–7 cm long. Flowers are showy and bloom with a single disc of florets in the center and big petals all around the center. There are double varieties too. They bloom in White, Orange, Pink, Maroon, and Mauve.

Cosmos flower cuttings are used in flower arrangements.

Cosmos propagation is from seeds. Plant them in full sun. It tolerates wide range of soils. Water once daily. Provide support to the plants. Prune the stem tips and the dead flowers to encourage new growth.

Cosmos can be grown as a hedge and in containers. They attract butterflies, birds, and bees.

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