Lablab Bean

Lablab Bean

Other common names of Lablab are hyacinth bean, dolichos bean, seim bean, Egyptian kidney bean, Indian bean, chicharo and Australian pea. Chapparada Avarekayi in Kannada, Bhatvas, Shimi in Hindi, and Nispavah in Sanskrit. Botanical name is Lablab purpureus and belongs to Fabaceae family. Lablab Bean is native of Africa.

This perennial plant is a vine, which can grow 6 meters in length. The leaves are grouped into 3 pointed leaflets. White, purple, or blue flowers bloom in clusters.

The legume fruit pods are flat and are about 3 to 4 inches long. The pods can be light green, dark green, or purple. It is grown as an ornamental plant and for the edible pods. The seeds are white, brown, red, or black.

Lablab Bean pods are cooked, steamed, or boiled and consumed.

Lablab Bean can be grown by sowing seeds. The plant needs support to grow. Water daily and feed a fertilizer every fortnight.






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