Lemon n’ Lime – Lemon Tree – Lime Tree



The taste of any salad, dish or drink is enhanced by adding a dash of Lemon juice. Lemons have long been a chef’s and bar tenders delight. Uses of Lemons are innumerable, from beautifying the skin, hair to adding the final flavour in various cuisines. There is none who can never refuse the ubiquitous Lemonade to quench one’s thirst.

Lemon tree grows to a height of 10 to 20 feet about 3-6 meters in height.  The branches have sharp thorns on them.

The alternate leaves are reddish when young and becomes dark-green above and light-green below.  The leaves are oblong, elliptic or long-ovate, 2.5 to 4.5 cm long.  

 The lemon flower is white, fragrant with five petals and yellow anthers. The flowers bloom in single or 2 or more may be clustered in the leaf axils. 

The Lemon fruit is oval with a nipple-like protuberance at the apex.  Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and potassium. It does not contain cholesterol, fat or sodium. Lemon juice is a diuretic, an astringent and a diaphoretic – effective as gargle for sore throats, a cure for hiccups and as a healing lotion for sunburn. It is also an excellent detoxifier. Starting the day with a warm drink of lemon juice and honey every morning will help cleanse impurities from the body and other effects of a bad liver.

Dr. V.G.Rocine’s popular home remedy for flu has been tried and tested by many with remarkable results. The remedy requires to bake a lemon in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes, halve it and squeeze out the juice of one half into a glass of hot water. This has to be taken every 30 to 40 minutes for as long as the flu persists. Since the property of the Lemon increases the elimination of heat through the skin, it helps reduce the fever. It also acts like a ‘germicide’ and can destroy at least twenty different types of germs.

Studies have revealed that the Lemon peel exhibits anti-oxidant properties, which benefits the human cells by warding off diseases like cancer and also slows down the aging process. The Lemon peel is added to many desserts to give them a distinct lemony flavour.

Recipes with Lemon:
Whole Lemon Pickle

Lemon Thokku
Lemon Pickle
Sweet Lemon Pickle
Lemon Rice
Sweet Lime Soda
Indian Lemonade

Eggless Lemon Cake

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