Difficult Auto Drivers

An unofficial auto stand has come up in front of our apartments. The same autos gather in the morning and the drivers are rude, arrogant and are very specific about where they are going to ferry the customers. They love people who travel long distance and give their best smile to them and won’t stop chattering from subjects ranging from politics to infrastructure of Bangalore and their meters will be running faster than the auto itself and nosing at +100 Rs. And they hate and snigger at people who want to travel short distance and they imagine that their meters might moan at a meager 20 to 30 Rs or demand obscene amount for ferrying for short distance.

You are greeted with a mocking expression and utterance of “huh!” at the mention of a place, which is 3 to 5 kilometer away. You will be left wondering whether the place you are going to, is so awful.

If they have a choice of going to only certain destinations, why don’t they put up boards of destinations that they are heading to? At least the people will be spared of their arrogance.

In case you insist that the auto takes you to your destination with the meter on, you are greeted with….”Adjust madkolli medeme, allinda giraki sigalla! / understand madam that I will not get any customer from the place where you get off…” Sigh! Dear God I ask you not to make me dependent on these finicky auto drivers. Three cheers to two wheelers…Hip Hip Hurrah! (3)

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