
I was shocked to hear the news of Kavitha (name changed), the lively 16 year old ending her life by hanging herself in her room yesterday. The reason – bad performance in one of her 12th board exams. She did not even wait for the results before taking this drastic step to end her beautiful life!

Dear Kavitha why did you have to take this extreme step?? I know your parents were easy going as I have met your people. I remember your charming smile and the hospitality shown to me and my son when we visited your home to meet your brother who happened to be my son’s classmate.

Is passing exams the only thing in life?? No dear, passing in your life is more important than anything else. If you fail in exams you always have a chance to take the exams again and pass. But when you fail in your life like this…do you get another chance?? No dear…this is a wrong decision…my heart goes out to your parents and your brother and pray that god give them the courage to face this tragedy.

Dear Students please work hard to achieve your goals and do not be bothered about the result. Remember that when parents and teachers counsel, guide and encourage you to work hard and excel, they only have your interest in mind.

Try Try Try again until you succeed
– Swami Vivekananda

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