Kyon Queue?

Kyon Queue? in Hindi it means “Why Queue?”. Just barge in irrespective of how many people are waiting in the queue because of the important work or place that the person has to attend or visit. This attitude can be seen in any queue system whether you are waiting for a Volvo bus to issue tickets, to pay electricity bill or for that matter to be let into Mysore palace grounds during Dasara procession. Everyone wants to be the first person in the queue. When these undisciplined people break the queue and surge towards the head of the queue and the slightest protests from people in the queue are greeted with a grim “Swalpa adjust madkollri……, namage urgent kelasakke hogabeku” (Compromise sir because we have some urgent work to attend to). Why Why should they…?! What about the people waiting in the queue for hours, are they nitwits who have no other work other than standing in the queue!!??. A little bit harsh and loud “Illa ri……adjust madkolalla dayavittu queuealli banni” (No sir, we will not adjust please stand in the queue) by some brave hearts will make them scamper to the queue tail. Time is precious to everyone and nobody has the right to take it away from you.

But there are exceptions and it is our responsibility to allow elderly people and handicapped people to break the queue.

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