Goodness of Nature

Malayan Apple

Malayan Apple

As the name suggests Malayan Apple is a native of Malaysia. It is also a native of Malaysia’s neighboring countries…

Banana - Plantain

Banana – Plantain

I could not believe when the Banana - Plantain plant that was growing in one patch of our garden flowered…

String Beans

String beans, French beans also known as Runner beans is a vegetable that is used in cuisines across the globe…

Corn – Maize

As you travel from South India to North India, you will come across many corn fields. There is an increase…


The Jackfruit tree is an evergreen tree belonging to Moraceae family and the botanical name is Artocarpus heterophyllus. Jackfruit is…


I remember in childhood feasting on Sugarcanes during Shankranthi festival as it is a custom in Karnataka to distribute a…

Thai Basil

Botanical name is Ocimum basilicum. Thai Basil plant grows up to 3 feet in height and has purple-green wide, lance-like…

Coffee Break – Coffee Plant – Coffee Tree

“Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love." – Turkish Porverb Reading newspaper in the…


Beetroot is cultivated widely across the world as it is one of the most popular vegetables used in a variety of…

Okra – Ladies Finger – Bhindi

Also known as Okra, Bhindi (Hindi), Bhendekayi (Kannada) is a very popular vegetable in India. It is grown all over…


Peanuts or Groundnuts belongs to the legume family Fabaceae. Botanical name is Archis Hypogaea. Hypogaea means below the earth. In…

Chickpea – Channa

Chickpea also known as Kadale in Kannada, Channa in Hindi and other common names are Bengal Gram, Garbanzo Bean, and…

Sandalwood Tree

I remember guests who would visit us at Mysore would always wish to take away a Sandalwood article as a…

Sesame Seeds

"Open sesame", the famous phrase from the Arabian Nights, reflects the distinguishing feature of the sesame seed pod, which bursts…

Preparation of Kadalepuri – Puffed Rice

Kadalepuri / Puffed Rice / Murmura is prepared from rice and it is something that can be eaten anytime anywhere.…


A lady whom we used to address as “Chechi” / meaning sister in Malayalam in the school where I studied…

Henna – Mehendi Plant

Like any other girl, I would look forward to decorate my hands with Goranti as we called in Kannada for…

Ker, berry of Rajasthan

Picture1 - Ker photographed in Jaisalmer The plants in the desert of Rajasthan are remarkable thriving in regions where the…

Indian Gooseberry

I would wait impatiently for the Uttan Dwadashi festival to get over so that I could bite into the flesh…


Botanical name of Guava is Psidium Guajava. It belongs to myrtle family Myrtaceae. In Kannada it is called as Seebehannu,…