
Orchid Phalaenopsis

Orchid Phalaenopsis in my garden

Orchid Phalaenopsis is also known as moth orchid

Gower Ramsey Orchid Oncidium

Fancifully called “dancing dolls”, these are grown commercially for cut flowers. Gower Ramsey have robust and shimmering sprays bearing elegant…

Terrestrial Orchid

Before After Orchid Spathaglottis Plicata

Orchid Calanthe Sylvatica

I saw many Calanthe Sylvatica plants in bloom in a green house in Kemmangundi maintained by the horticulture department. It…

Orchid Epidendron Ibaguense

Orchid Epidendron Ibaguense is also known as 'crucifix' orchid. The orchid shown below is a ‘crucifix’ orchid (Epidendron ibaguense). This orchid…

Orchid Dendrobium Oshin

Plant Summary: The genus Dendrobium contains around 1000 species. Most of them are epiphytes (tree dwellers) and are found in…

Orchid Aerides Ringens

Aerides is a genus belonging to the Orchid family.  It is an high altitude epiphytes.  The fragrant blooms are usually white and…

Orchid Dendrobiums Velveth Midnight

Dendrobiums are the largest and the most popular group of orchids, extensively grown in South East Asia for cut flower…

Orchid Rhynchostylic Retusa

Rhynchostylic Retusa's common name in Rhyncho Orchid. This orchid is widely found in Western Ghats and Himalayas. It is a…

Orchid Spathoglottis Plicata

Spathoglottis Plicata is a species from the Far East grows very well in South India. It is a terrestrial orchid…

Orchid Cymbidium Bicolor

Orchid Cymbidium Bicolor is widely found in Western ghats and Himalayas. Picture above: Cymbidium Bicolor in Bhadra Sanctuary It is a…

Orchid Aerides Crispum

Orchid Aerides Crispum is widely grown in the western ghats of India. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance. The aerial…

Orchid Potting – Method 1

Orchids are unique plants and the potting has to be just right for them to grow well in home gardens.…

Introduction to Flower Arrangements

Flowers are one of the most beautiful creations of God. People, Birds and Insects enjoy them to the fullest. Flowers…