Useful Hints

March 2010 Hints

Wrap vegetables in newspapers before storing in refrigerator. They remain fresh for a long time. If you need Sour Cream…

January 2010 Hints

Cookies / biscuits will be crisper if  little Rice flour is added to the flour while preparing the cookie dough.…

December 2009 Hints

When fruits are sliced and left either inside or outside the fridge, the color of the fruits slice changes.  Wrap…

November 2009 Hints

Few days before your planned trip / tour, jot down the things to be packed on a sheet of paper…

October 2009 Hints

Place a sheet of thermocole under the gas cylinder to avoid rust stains and scratches on the floor. Instead of…

September 2009 Hints

If the soup is too thin and watery, grate a little boiled Potato into it. Simmer till the potato dissolves…

August 2009 Hints

If your bathtub is discolored, cover the tub in paper towels, soaking them in full strength vinegar. After a couple…

July 2009 Hints

Are you plagued by rust in your tool box? Here is a simple way to keep tools rust free. Slip…

June 2009 Hints

If your car is tarnished with tar, make a paste of baking soda, take a sponge and apply gently on…

May 2009 Hints

If you are tired of seeing the nicks and scratches on your dark wood furniture, then make a thick paste…

March 2009 Hints

To remove bubble gum from a garment, place a paper over the stuck gum and press with a hot iron. …

January 2009 Hints

Rub your brass articles with Tamarind and Salt and leave it aside for 10 minutes. Rinse and see your articles…

December 2008 Tips

Wash silver items in water in which the Potatoes have been cooked. If Oil has fallen on any Silk garments,…

November 2008 Hints

Keep a stencil on a cake and sieve sugar powder over it and remove the stencil.   Wash Silver items…

October 2008 Hints

If the shower head in the bathroom is clogged by tiny mineral deposits, try boiling it once a month in…


Cottage Cheese is known as Paneer in India.  Cottage Cheese, which is very nutritious and tasty forms a very important…

May 2007 Hints

If shoes are soaked, stuff them with newspaper to retain their shape as they dry. Mix equal part of boiled…