Birds of Kabini Wildlife Sanctuary can drain your Camera batteries in no time, ensure that you have additional batteries! Yes, out of 250 species you can spot at least 50 during a day stay in Kabini. Isn’t that a fantastic opportunity and we exploited it to the hilt. Fly with the birds that we spotted in Kabini…
Shrike, Indian Roller
Streak throated woodpecker, Black Shouldered Kite
Crested hawk eagle
Woolly Necked Stork, Painted Stork
Brahminy Kite – Sub Adult in flight
River Terns
Black Ibis, Brahminy Kite
Brown Headed Fishing Eagle, Small Kingfisher
Osprey, Darter
Spot Billed Duck
Black headed Ibis, Purple Heron
Geese in flight
A raptor swooping down to catch a fish, Open billed Stork
Brahminy Kite – Sub Adult
Pied Kingfisher
See the following post for the pictures of wild animals and birds of Kabini reserve: