Mattu Beach Udupi

Mattu BeachMattu Beach

Mattu Beach

Mattu Beach is located around 10 kilometres from Udupi. A beautiful stretch of pristine Beach secluded from the commercial hullabaloo. An evening spent here transports to another zone. Watch the sunset, walk, or just drive on the road parallel to the Beach.

Suvarna river running on one side and the Ocean on the other makes it a memorable and picturesque drive.

You have the option of just sitting in your car and watching the sunset. It was a while since I visited a beach and I am one happy and satisfied traveller after watching the sunset on Mattu Beach.

Place statistics:
Type of place: Beach
Situated: Udupi, Karnataka
Distance: 10 Km from Udupi
Transport: Well connected by road
Facilities: Shacks sell excellent tea and snacks

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