Eggless Pancakes – Pancakes without eggs

Eggless Pancake

Pancakes are an all-time favorite in the West for breakfast. I like them when topped with fruits like Banana, Blueberries, and Strawberries.

Time required: 20 minutes

2 cup Maida / all-purpose flour / refined flour
2 tbsp Sugar
1 tbsp Baking powder
2 tbsp Oil mixed with half cup of water
2 tbsp melted Butter, melted
1½ cup Milk
1/4 tsp Vanilla extract
A pinch of salt
Butter, honey or maple syrup, and fruits for serving

In a mixing bowl, mix Maida, Sugar, and Baking powder.  Add Butter, Milk, and Oil water.  Gently mix.  Add Salt, Vanilla and whisk well.  Add more water if necessary to get a smooth batter.

Heat a flat pan and add a tsp of butter.  Pour a ladleful of batter.  Let it cook. 

Flip and cook.

Remove to a serving plate. 

Drizzle with your choice of syrup and top it with fruits and serve.

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