Greek Yoghurt

Greek Yoghurt

Greek Yoghurt is Yoghurt strained using a cheese cloth that is whipped and served for breakfast.  It has a cooling effect on the body.  You can either add Salt and Pepper to it or a fruit compost to make it more delicious.

Time required: 5 minutes + straining time

Yoghurt / Curds
Cheese cloth

Take one utensil and another one with holes.

Place the one with holes over the utensil.

Place the cheese cloth (cotton) over the utensil with holes.

Pour the Yoghurt/curds into the cloth. Keep a wooden ladle across.

Tie around the ladle firmly.

Place it inside a tall utensil for 3 to 4 hours.

Open the knots to reveal the curd cheese.

Remove it to a bowl.

Using a spoon beat the curd until it is fluffy.

Refrigerate for an hour.

Serve with fresh fruits, honey, or fruit compost.

Using Greek Yogurt and Dragon Fruit you can make Dragonkhand, Shrikhand with fruits, Tzatziki



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