Grilled Vegetable Pita Pocket Sandwich

Grilled Vegetable Pita Pocket SandwichGrilled Vegetable Pita Pocket Sandwich

Grilled Vegetable Pita Pocket Sandwich

Grilled Vegetable Pita Pocket Sandwich is sure to satisfy the hungry kids who return home ravenous from play.

Time Required: 20 Minutes

Few Pita Bread
1 Yellow Pepper
1 Red Pepper (Can use Capsicum)
1 Brinjal (Aubergine), Cut into roundels
1 Zucchini (Optional)
1 Bowl Alfalfa Sprouts
Cheese, Grated
Chili Powder (Optional)
Tahini Paste
Hummus or Mint Mayonnaise
1tbsp Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste

Chop Pepper and Zucchini into big slices.

Smear with Olive Oil and Salt Pepper and grill them. Keep Aside.

Apply Salt, Pepper, and Chili Powder to the Brinjal roundels.

Toast on both sides and keep aside.  Grill the Pita pockets.

Fill the Pita Pockets with the grilled vegetables, Tahini Paste, and Mint Mayonnaise. Top with Cheese and Alfalfa Sprouts.

Serve with Salsa.

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