Gooseberry Honey Candy

Gooseberry Honey CandyGooseberry Honey Candy

Gooseberry Honey Candy

Indian Gooseberry slices are preserved in Sugar and Honey.

Time Required: 30 Minutes + 4 days for drying

10 Indian Gooseberries
3 Cups Sugar
1 Cup Honey


Chop Gooseberries into slices. Heat water in a vessel, remove the vessel from heat and put the gooseberries in it and leave it in hot water for 5 minutes.

Sieve and mix the slices with sugar and leave it aside for a day (24 hours).

The next day again remove the slices leaving out the syrup and again mix with a cup of sugar and leave it aside for (24 hours). The next day remove the slices from the syrup and mix with 1 cup of sugar and leave it aside for two days (48 hours). After two days remove the slices from the sugar syrup and mix with honey and leave it aside for two days (48 hours). Remove them and wash in cold water and dry in shade.

Store Gooseberry Honey Candy in airtight dry containers.

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