Eggless Wheat Chocolate Apple Muffins

Time Required: 45 Minutes
Makes: ½ kg (500 gms) or 9 cups


¾ cup Wheat flour
2tbsp Cocoa powder
¼ cup Sugar Powder
½ + ¼ cup Apple, Peeled and grated
2tbsp Brown Sugar
3tbsp Milk
½ tsp Cinnamon powder
4tbsp Oil
½ tsp Baking soda
½ tsp Baking powder
¼ tsp Salt
3tbsp Curd
2tbsp Honey
1tsp Vanilla Essence

Heat a pan, add Apple and stir for 30 seconds.

Add Cinnamon Powder and Brown Sugar and stir for another 30 minutes.

Remove from heat and keep aside.

Pre-heat the oven at 180 degrees. Line the muffin cups with paper cups.

Sieve all the dry ingredients in a bowl.

Mix milk, curd, vanilla essence and honey in a separate bowl.

Add Wheat flour mixture (sieved) to the milk-curd mixture little by little and mix gently.

Fold in Apple and Oil.

Pour into the lined cups.

Bake for approximately 20 – 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Serve with tea or coffee.


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