Mango Cheese Cake

Mango Cheese CakeMango Cheese Cake

Mango Cheese Cake

Mango Cheese Cake can satisfy your Mango craving any time of the year.

Time Required: 45 Minutes + Refrigeration time

3 tbsp Hung Curd
1 tbsp Cheese Spread
100 gms Whipped Cream
50 gms Biscuit powder
1 tbsp or as per taste of Sugar
5 gm China Grass
½ Cup Water
1 ½ tbsp Melted Butter
Mango Crush – as required


Grease a loose bottomed tin with butter.

Soak China Grass / Agar Agar in half a cup of water and keep it aside. Whip the cream till it forms peaks

Mix biscuit powder and butter.

Press this mixture at the base of the tin and keep in freezer for 10 minutes. Cake instead of Biscuit powder can be used to line the tin.

Cream hung Curd and cheese spread with sugar.

Melt the china grass in double boiler and add hung curd mixture to it.

Folk in whipping cream and pour it into the tin.

Set in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours.  Pour the crush on top of it and serve.
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