Badam Milk – Flavored Almond Milk Recipe

Badam MilkBadam Milk

Badam Milk

When growing up having Badam Milk in the evening was a rare treat!  Krishna Bakery in Mysore used to serve delicious cold Badam Milk with slivers of Badam (Almond) floating on top.

Time required: 10 Minutes + soaking time

1 Cup Badam, Soaked and peeled
1 Cup Sugar Powder, Optional
5 Cardamom, Powdered
Few strands of Saffron

Dry roast the Almonds until all the moisture evaporates. Let the flame be low. Keep stirring to avoid burning the Almonds.

Grind Almonds to a powder. Mix Sugar, Cardamom, and Saffron. Store in an airtight jar. I have not used Sugar while making this powder to enable people on diet to enjoy the drink.

To make the drink, add 1 tbsp of Badam Powder to a glass of either hot or cold milk and serve.

Other recipes using Almonds / Badam:

Badam Laddoo – Almond Sweet Dish

Kesar Badam Pista Milkshake – Saffron Almond Pistachios Milkshake

Badam Halwa – Almond Sweet Dish

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