When we chose the name “K—” for our son, I knew instantly that he would fill our lives with happiness and since my husband’s name was “Sriram” it was all the more apt. (Lord Sriram’s twins were called Luv and Kush)
He was a big baby when he arrived and he had not troubled me during his stay inside and was so comfortable that the docs had to forcibly pull him out by “C” section. I had read many books on pregnancy and childcare shipped by my sister, now these books are just a click away! But nothing prepared us for the experience of round the clock running around a pint sized wailing monster! Sleep, entertainment, relationships everything was forgotten and our lives revolved around making this new family member comfortable all the time! But the joy, laughter, happiness that he bought into our lives is insurmountable. The auburn curly hair falling all over his forehead made everyone call him “goldilocks”. He was a friendly and quiet baby until sunset and all his true colors would splash with wails for god knows what!! We used to be so exasperated not knowing the reason for his cries and used to try all the tricks in the trade, like feeding him – thinking he is hungry, covering with blankets – thinking he must be feeling cold and if the wails continued stripping them off, making him sleep on his tummy – thinking it is the extra gas that is making him colic but, the wails would continue making us exhausted and the next day we would run to the pediatrician complaining about his cries much to his amusement. The doc would tick us off and he would quip that we adults needed treatment for the ridiculous anxiety rather than the baby, who, by then, would be comfortably perched on my lap and innocently smiling and gurgling at the doc!
His first cries, giggles, turns, twists, sneeze, yawn, crawl, words, steps are all etched in my memory and I cherish every single moment that I have spent with him both good and bad. He loves to have people around and is very loving and sharing so when he turned six, I hoped to present him a playmate – a sis or a brother, but the proposal was rejected by Sri, who insisted that his feelings and love for Kushal cannot be shared by anyone else!
He will turn into a teenager in April 2008 and I have not been a perfect mother, I have faltered, I have learnt, I have cried when I had to be harsh and firm to discipline him, but I am so proud of him today because he is like a rock and a good friend and as loyal and compassionate as I wanted him to be with a mind of his own. Still I am not satisfied, I want him to improve, learn and observe because I believe the world is a classroom and the people and events are our teachers.
This write up is for you my dear K—, Kushi, Kushalini. I love you and wish you a very happy 2008. I thank god for bringing you into my life.
That was a lovely write-up, Shantha, and I’m so happy you wrote about hinm like that. He’ll feel wonderful whenever he reads it over the years. Big hug to both of you!
Thanks dear..
It’s a gem of an article… I really liked it!
Though reading ur blog from few months, read this article today.. Ur son’s name is good..
Just a guess.. Is urs kanya rashi,hasta nakshatra?
Hi Akshatha,
Thanks for your appreciation. No, I am neither (rashi/nakshatra).