June 2015 Hints are as follows: While preparing sweets, add a pinch of salt, this will enhance the sweetness.to the dish. Adding some mashed poha or cooked rice, to the Idly batter makes … [Read more...]
May 2015 Hints
May 2015 Hints are as follows: Use rangoli color in paper cones to fill rangoli designs. Add salt while frying onions, it will release the water from the onions, thus enhancing the … [Read more...]
April 2015 Hints
April 2015 Hints are as follows: Dip cotton ball in nail polish remover and wipe away the ink stains made on the walls. Add a piece of Ginger and cook the used Oil to take away the odor. … [Read more...]
February 2015 Hints
February 2015 Hints are as follows: Cut Mint (Pudina) stalk and place it in a glass of water until roots appear and then plant it in a pot. Wrap lettuce leaves in aluminum foil and store in … [Read more...]
January 2015 Hints
January 2015 Hints are as follows: To eliminate soap and stains on tub and shower, dilute nail polish remover in water and scrub with a brush using this water on the stains. Wrap Lettuce leaves … [Read more...]
December 2014 Hints
December 2014 Hints are as follows: Adding lemon juice to Coriander or Pudina/Mint chutneys helps to retain the green color for a longer period. Wrap Silver articles in Kite paper also known as … [Read more...]
November 2014 Hints
November 2014 Hints are as follows: If you have unmanageable rough hair, try rinsing with baby shampoo, you will get back your soft hair. Honey and lemon face pack can brighten your face in … [Read more...]
October 2014 Hints
October 2014 Hints are as follows: Here is another tip to clean silver vessels - Boil water and add salt and a tsp of baking soda into it. Put the silver article in the boiling water along with a … [Read more...]
September 2014 Hints
September 2014 Hints are as follows: During festivals and pooja, buy flowers like Lotus with long stems and put them in thin bottles filled with water and arrange behind the idol. The flowers … [Read more...]
August 2014 Hints
Use an old shirt sleeve to make a permanent broom cover to dust in high places. Cut the sleeve off at the elbow, stitch the ends together, slip over the broom and button the cuff around the … [Read more...]
July Hints, 2014
July Hints, 2014 is as follows: Cheese will not harden if you butter the exposed edges before storing in the refrigerator. To get relief from headache, rub a cut Lemon on your forehead. Remove … [Read more...]
June 2014 Hints
Here are the June 2014 Hints: Ensure that you store herbs and spices in a cool and dark place in your kitchen. Humidity, direct sunlight and heat will cause the herbs and spices to loose their … [Read more...]
May 2014 Hints
To remove stain on carpet, sprinkle baking soda, wait for ten minutes and then vacuum. Mix 1tbsp dish liquid soap + 1 tbsp vinegar + 2 cups of warm water, sponge on carpet and blot till the stain … [Read more...]
April 2014 Hints
Tips to store Tomatoes: Do not refrigerate fresh tomatoes as it spoils the flavor and texture of Tomatoes. You can redden raw Tomatoes by keeping them in a brown paper bag at room temperature, … [Read more...]
March 2014 Hints
While baking it is common during summers for the mixture to curdle. To set it right, just add few tablespoons of Milk to the mixture. Do not worry if you encounter foul smelling spills, which leave … [Read more...]
February 2014 Hints
To test whether the baking powder that has been lying in the shelf is effective, mix 2tsp of Baking powder with 200 ml of hot water. The mixture should bubble and fizz immediately. This shows that … [Read more...]
January 2014, Hints
If the batter for fitters like pakora or bonda or vada has turned watery, add a tablespoon of ghee to the batter. This will make the fritters crispy. Always use a flat bottomed pan for cooking, … [Read more...]
December 2013 Hints
Peel 10 Cardamoms and grind with 4 tbsp Sugar. Store it in a dry airtight container. You can add this to your choice of dessert for the wonderful aroma. Munch 3 cloves a day when you have cold or … [Read more...]
November 2013 Hints
Add ¼ tsp of Turmeric powder while boiling Potatoes, this will help Potatoes to cook fast. Similarly add a tsp of Salt while Sautéing Onion and Tomatoes to cook fast. For crisp Dosas soak Rice and … [Read more...]
February 2011 Hints
When cooking bitter gourd, add a few pieces of raw mango to remove the bitterness and add a little tang to the curry. To roll out the perfect batura roll out small portions of the maida dough into … [Read more...]